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Saturday, June 28, 2008,7:02 PM

Y The magic of seven colours...

yo ppl

pls note that you have to do the art survey on the lms if you havent done so


,5:00 AM

Y The magic of seven colours...

hellos 1C
examples 6 of tutorial 11
6) the first 3 members of a family of hydrogen(h) and carbon(c) compounds called alkenes have bonding structures below


n=1 n=2 n=3

a) Draw the structure for the 4th member of the family
b) Complete the folowing table.

n Number of Carbon atoms Number of Hydrogen atoms (table)
c) The formulae for the first three members are written as C2H4,C3H6 and C4H8 respectively . Write down a general formula for the nth member of the family.

sorry cannot post qn7 cos cannot draw out the diagrams. anyways without the diagrams you cannot do the questions...
try to bring back yr homework next time hor
sry very untidy ah...
~steffi =D

Friday, June 27, 2008,5:00 AM

Y The magic of seven colours...

hello 1C. just wanna say. thanks for all your cooperation today, im so sorry that im shouting to guys too much. i know u guys might think that im like argh, and has no right to say, but im just sorry. anyways. today was really great, even though we werent that loud(cos of the high pitched song:\) , but at least, it was wunderful(: thanks 1C. :D i thnk mrs han and mr lee was touched by us. so keep it up. :D JIAYOU 1c. WE CAN DO IT(:

oh and mr lee asked us abt that 50 dollars, we said its a farewell present to us, and maybe we can buy things, then balance then only put in class fund, we will discuss that on mon kay?

and he ask those who is interested on seeing and saving the photos taken during cross country that time as a class, can go look for him on monday or tues.. bring your thumbdrive along to save the pics.

regarding the EXPRESS YOURSELF DAY, okay, i noe, i sound vry forceful today, so i aplogise for that, anyway, i noe evryone is thnking: wad are we going to wear, yea, i noe. we dunhave any clothes regarding girl power and our character, but we must work as a class to work things out tgther, thats wad we shld do and have that spirit. ok? now that mrs han and mr lee is leaving, i think we shldnt lay back, but improve for the better, and strive to work hard for them. we wun want to dissappoint them right?

okay, enough of all this, now HW AND REMINDeRS!!!

HW for the weekend:


-MAth TB Ex 11.1 Qn 3 and 8. Exercise 16(worksheet) and tutorial 16 TB qn 5 and 6 ex 16.5 pg189.

thats all

have a gd weekend(:

Thursday, June 26, 2008,2:07 AM

Y The magic of seven colours...

hey 1c! ooh we printed out the papers ald. will tell you more tmr(:hehe.

anyways, here are todays hw and reminders!


MATH: to finish up tutorial 16( on math 2,..) and revision 16(wrksheeet) by monday

ENGLISH: to finish up the corrections in blue ink of the report thingy.. by tmr..D:

LITERATURE: to finish up the analysis thing.


HISTORY: theres a history quiz tmr (closed bookD:) JIAYOU!!

okay thats all

see ya


excited for tmr.(HAVE MUSIC AND U NOE..(:)

love ya.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008,5:32 AM

Y The magic of seven colours...

opps. sorry forgot to put my name for the previous post:\


,4:30 AM

Y The magic of seven colours...

helllo 1C(: okay here are todays hw and reminders. sry for late post..


CHINESE: to finish up the gan xiang of the shao nian wen zhai thing by tmr.

MATH: to finish up the Q 5 and 6 of the TB ex 16.5 page 189. by tmr on math book 2.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008,2:12 AM

Y The magic of seven colours...

hello 1C :D

okay here are todays hw and reminders


ART: to finish up the drawing and bring it tmr FULLY SHADED.

MATH: to finish TB 1B page 185 questions 5 and 6 on a piece of foolscap paper.

thats all for today(:


Monday, June 23, 2008,1:07 AM

Y The magic of seven colours...

hello 1C! welcome back to homework! hahah. anyways, we will unite now okay? can we just put away all those bad memories, dun bother who are the anonymous ppl but from now on, can we just write our names when we leve a post, then mayb when its more settld, we MIGHT put a tag board. steffi is in the midst of taking back the old blog skin, maybe it feels more at home, when u see it, though this blog skin is also quite nice(thanks ) anyways. today is the first day of the term, very sian rite. but its okay. hhahah. okay serious time(:
MATH: EX 16.2 Q4, Q6 AND Q8. AND to go to the goverment websites to find bar charts/graohs, line graph and pictogram/graph. whoevr is top3. will get a PRIZE from mr lee. good luck.
-pls remebr to bring in all work and hand in all work acoordingly and follow new timetable.
okay thats all 1C.
oh and yeah, for those who needd the questions but i guess not. cos i cnt be typing the table so here are the questions.
4. the following list is a record of the grades of 40 students in a mathematics examination.
a) Construct a frequency table for the data.
b) What was the grade obtained by the most number of students?
c) Find the percentage of students who obtain grade A or grade B.

6. A quality control officer inspected 30 cartons of vases produced by a factory. The list below shows the number of defective vases found in each carton of 10 vases.
a) Construct a frecuency table for the data.
b) Find the percentage of cartons that contain at most one defective vase.

8. In a factory, the lifetime of each of 30 dry batteries were tested. The results( in hours) are shown below.
a) Construct a frequency table of uniform intervals with 4 or 5 intervals for the data.
b) Compare your table with those of your classmates.

done. see ya tmr(:

Friday, June 20, 2008,12:09 AM

Y The magic of seven colours...

bring yourself.

Thursday, June 19, 2008,10:38 PM

Y The magic of seven colours...

hey people.
i dun think anyone will reply but i still ask anyway.
wad are we gonna bring on the first day of school reopen arh? do we like follow our old timetable or wad??
or do we like bring everything [a bit mad to do that]?
Ying Yi :)

Sunday, June 15, 2008,6:24 AM

Y The magic of seven colours...

Hi ! to the someone who created this new skin , thanks very much for the effort . It is a unique and nice skin . Personally , i like it very much.

OK , we all made mistakes , we were noisy , rowdy etc etc etc. ....

Can we all put these bad feelings away and start a new term afresh , with new attitude (positive, i mean) , better behaviour , less criticism , more co-operation , more consideration to one another's feelings ...pls?

Let's unite as a class!!

~Steffi =D

,3:03 AM

Y The magic of seven colours...

hey 1C! ^^
um... lol the class blog revived. i thought it was dead...um... "someone" revived it with a new look , thanks to the "someone" but who actually is the "someone"? Another " someone " commented that Jeethi's name was not in the blogskin . Well, I think the first "someone" missed it by mistake , it was not deliberate .. the first "someone " can always put it in . Another "someone" or maybe it is the second "someone" and "1C-ian"... can u PLEASE STOP ARGUING?..
can't we be UNITED AS A CLASS?
a tagbox isnt for u ppl to argue...
its actually for
and i noe u dun wanna hear this but
admit it
and pls dun impersonate ppl
By impersonating others , mistrust and anger arise and this is bad for us .
pls stop the arguments ... whoever is so unhappy with each other , please talk it out openly .
Pls ?
smile always...
and * PEACE *

Friday, June 13, 2008,10:54 PM

Y The magic of seven colours...

hey ppl
i changed the blogskin.i noe its not nice
if you all want can change it
mayb if i got time i make a new pic...and sry for the font colour...i couldnt change some of them

,8:29 PM

Y The magic of seven colours...

hi. charlotte here. this blog may be alright now. but just rmb to put your name in the post that u written, whoever that 'someone' is.

and if any of u need the homework list again, pls contact me to ask me to write it down.



Thursday, June 12, 2008,3:37 AM

Y The magic of seven colours...

1c...i revived the blog[well sorta]...you all make wadeva changes you want...and the tag board wont be there anymore...i hope you all dont quarrel in the blog again=]pls be nice
a random skin here...